Flodesk Now Integrates with Unsplash and Giphy

Flodesk recently rolled out a feature that's going to make your emails more engaging to read and easier to make. Without further ado, let's hop in.


One of the main reasons why I switched to Flodesk a couple of years ago was the email templates. I was looking for email marketing software that would provide me with visually appealing designs. And this was the only one that matched my aesthetic. So the newest feature is something that's going to help your emails to pop even more and that feature is the Unsplash integration. If you’ve never used Unsplash before you are going to want to check this site out after you read this post.


Unsplash is an online database of freely usable images. And what that means is you have the rights to use any images that you download from this site. You can see at the top there are tons of categories, people, architecture, events, business, and so integrating these images into your emails is going to help you to convert higher with your email marketing campaigns. So I'm gonna go ahead and log into my Flodesk account and show you how easy it is to use.


When you're ready to start an email in Flodesk you have a few options, you can utilize one of the templates they have available, or you can start from scratch. All of the image layouts that you see in these templates can be replaced with your own images. So really what you're looking for as you scroll through the templates, is something that is laid out in the way that you would like to lay out your email. Again, you can also start from scratch. When you open the template you're going to see your logo automatically at the top. If you have uploaded your branding to your Flodesk account. Now if you want to modify what you see, you can click on your logo, and you can drag it to the right to make it bigger or drag it to the left to make it smaller. You can also click on Block to change the background color, alignment, or padding.


Now if you scroll down, you're going to see these icons which say Edit Image when you hover. Go ahead and give that a click and it's going to reveal your options. In the past, you just uploaded an image, a high-quality jpeg or GIF, but now you can automatically add a photo from Unsplash. So to do that, just click on the button and it will automatically open up the Unsquash library. There you'll begin to type in your search results. Say, for instance, you can type in flatline and it's going to pull flatlays from Unsplash that you can use royalty-free.


If you want to add a GIF to your email to make it more exciting, more fun, adding your personality to the content, you can also add a free GIF from Giphy. So these are options that are going to help your email to pop. You can also design GIFs within Canva and pull in your own GIFs to add some movement to your emails. When you add movement to your emails when you add beautiful imagery and you leverage the features within Flodesk, you’ll make your emails more engaging to read. Now here’s the deal, if you click on this link, you can try out Flodesk free for 30 days. After that, you'll receive 50% off for the first year. So give Flodesk a try if you haven't already, play around with the features, and make sure that you whitelist your emails from Flodesk so as they release new features you will know exactly where to find them.

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